Seal Skin 1200 Boat Cover EXPORT
Fits 2019 Cape Horn Boats Cape Bay 23/Cc All Options
Seal Skin™ 1200 is our most powerful cover available. This lightweight cover features unmatched strength and durability. The 1200 denier fabric is waterproof and provides excellent protection against sun, rain, wind and snow. The breathable fabric provides superior air circulation that protects against mildew, dampness and musty odors. The cover is designed specifically for trailering and is easy to install thanks to our Seal Skin™ adjustable straps.
- We offer our Seal Skin™ 1200 in three popular colors - Navy Blue, Grey & Ocean Blue.
- Superior 1200 denier polyester fabric. Won't shrink or stretch.
- Perfect cover for Mooring, Storage & Trailering.
- Double stitched seams with rot-proof threads provide added strength and water resistance.
- Superior breathability ensures air circulation and protects against mildew, dampness and musty odors.
- Treated with advanced UV inhibitors for protection against harmful UV rays.
- Sewn-in rope cord hem ensures a tight, secure fit.
- EliteFit strapping systems built specifically for trailering.
- Fade-resistant finish.
- 10 Year Warranty Directly from Seal Skin.
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